8 Simple Ways to Have a More Productive Day
​…and keep calm!

By Miroslava L. Pradella, LCSW, CASACThe more we get done; the closer we feel to accomplishing our goals.  It seems that there is never enough time to do all that we need to do.

Increasing your productivity can have a positive effect on your professional and personal life.

Use these suggestions to get more done in less time:

1. Plan. To get the most out of any day, it is important to know what you are going to do before the day begins. Decide how you are going to spend your day by taking a few minutes to plan out your tasks the night before. Do your most important tasks first.  Take into consideration that the most impactful tasks should be done first and with no interruptions.   Place your cellphone on silent for some time.

2. Get up earlier. You will be surprised how much more you can accomplish and how much better you feel about the day if you start your day a little bit earlier. Many of the most productive and successful people in the world share the habit of waking up early.  The key is to get moving.  Once again, make sure you do not spend your precious early morning minutes checking up on your social media feeds and emails.

3. Give yourself a set amount of time.  For example, work diligently for 20 minutes with no interruptions.  Get into the mindset and work with intention and determination.

4. Set your space well.  Make you that you have all your comforts to avoid getting up to get items every few minutes.  Get your water bottle, your pencil, pens, and whatever you need to remain focused and content for the amount you set yourself to work.

5. Turn off your notifications and your social media. Social media can be time-consuming activity-unless, of course, this is part of your job. Set aside a time in the evening to catch up with your friends and family.  Try setting up timer to keep yourself in track. Reminder:  DO NOT engage in reading your feed while you are doing your most important tasks.  The news feed will still be there later. Do no forget to turn off your phone notifications for your set time.

6. Say “no” more often. This is a skill that most people do not practice.  We all want to be helpful but at times, it can be at our own expense.  It is easier to be productive in a meaningful way if you are attempting to do fewer things each day. Be willing to say no to tasks or invitation you want to say no to, but often say yes because you feel obligated. Make it a point to leverage your time.

● Make a list of how you spend your time in an average day. Do you see any activities you can             eliminate? Saying, “no” can also mean refusing yourself the opportunity to waste your time on meaningless activities.

7. Stick to one task at a time.  You may feel that by doing several things at one you can get more done. Choose one task, complete it, and then move on to a new task. Many studies have shown that multitasking is ineffective.

8. Focus on the most important task or steps. Avoid just doing the easiest or most enjoyable tasks. Focus on completing the most important tasks, and you will be much more productive.

Bonus: Take regular breaks. You might get less done in the short-term, but you will undoubtedly accomplish a lot more over a long day of work. Taking regular breaks refreshes your brain and makes it easier to focus. You will be much more effective in the afternoon if you have been taking breaks earlier in the day.

How productive are you? How would your life improve if you got more meaningful work done each day?

Most of us could use a couple more hours each day. However, you can learn to make better use of the time you have. Spend a month being more productive and see how it changes your life.

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