If you struggle with anxiety or know someone who is; you know the importance of learning about triggers and coping skills.
Here are some simple strategies to help you manage anxiety and stress.  
Consider these strategies:

  • Self-monitoring. What triggers your anxiety/stress? It may be that certain people, events, or situations influence the way that you feel. Once you figure out your triggers, you can teach yourself how to prevent the stress or anxiety.
  • Try Deep breathing exercises. Most of the time we are using our chest when we should be trying to use the diaphragm to manage anxiety. When you breathe in, your stomach should expand and then contract when you breathe out.  Let your belly expand and relax. Breath in for a count of four and exhale for four.  This should be a good start.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation. This technique involves tensing your muscles and then relaxing them one at a time. When you do this, you are teaching your muscles that when you are stressed, which often causes muscle tension, that you need to relax.  Notice the difference in how your muscles feel.
  • Mindfulness.  We keep hearing this word often-live in the moment. With mindfulness, you place all your full attention on what you are doing or feeling in that moment. You notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you. When your full focus is on the present moment, there is no room for feelings of anxiety. Remember that anxiety is usually a fear of something in the future.
  • Get support from others. It has been found time and time again that support from friends or family is incredibly important when dealing with anxiety. Having someone you trust that you can talk to can be helpful.
    • There are also therapists and various groups available (some are held virtually now) where you can share and learn from those who dealing with similar issues.
  • Write down your thoughts and feelings. Rather than keeping how you feel inside to fester, it would be better for you to get these thoughts out of your mind and onto paper. This can bring a degree of clarity and make your feelings more tangible.
  • Distraction techniques. Sometimes focusing on your emotions can make them even stronger and leave you feeling more out of control of the situation. By using distraction, you’re taking your mind off your emotions, making them easier to manage.
    • You can do anything you want to distract yourself. A walk is commonly used as a distraction. So are puzzles.
  • Work towards a goal. Achieving a goal can be motivating and can help reduce both depression and anxiety.
  • Every time that you feel anxious, engage your mind in a positive and rewarding activity, such as working toward a goal.

Some strategies may work better for you than others and depending on the situations. The key is to practice them and then try them out in anxious situations to see which ones work best for you.

**Consult with your health provider. This blog post is not a substitute for professional services.

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